EM V40 / Movement profile for protrusive surface

SKU: ALB-EM-V40-25
EAN: 4751023400181
Brand: Albau
Length: 2,5 m
Dimensions: 40 mm
Thickness: 1,2 mm
Amount of products in transport packaging: 25 (62,5m)

Movement bead is for moving joints, V type - to protrusive surfaces. This bead is used only in vertical position.


  • PVC


  • Protection against arising cracks due to insulation material tension;
  • Provides an equal dilatation connection;
  • Dilatation functionality 10-30 mm;
  • The profile dilatation part is made of a resistant, soft PVC;
  • The permanent joint sealing, resistant against outer atmosphere;
  • Prevention of entry of pollution and humidity under the insulation material;
  • A universal profile size, suitable to all insulation material widths.

Installation tips:

  • During the connecting, protrusive dilatation part has to be carried over the lower profile;
  • The using is only vertical;
  • Perform the cutting with special profile scissors.
Delivery Time
On stock