PAR-3314000 / RollCut® applicator

SKU: PAR-3314000
EAN: 3289553314001
Brand: L'Outil Parfait
Set: RollCut® + 2 extension poles
Suitable for: Walls, ceilings, corners
For working height: Up to 3m

RollCut'® paper joint tape applicator - to unroll, apply and cut

Time saving: in a traditional construction project with walls and ceilings, the use of Roll'Enduit® and RollCut'® when applying the joint tape allows an increase in efficiency and a 50% saving in working time


  • Lightweight construction
  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Working from the ground avoids falls
  • Easy cleaning, there is almost no contamination (harmless cleaning with water)

One person fills, one person inserts the joint tape for higher productivity


  • SMOOTH WALLS: - after filling the joints, unroll the joint tape from bottom to top. Press the trigger to cut the tape. The joint can now be smoothed
  • CEILING: - to apply the joint tape to the ceiling, attach the appropriate extension depending on the height and accessibility. Working heights of up to 3 meters are possible
  • HARD TO ACCESS AREAS: - applying the joint tape in hard-to-reach or narrow places. The RollCut® without extension fits in a 1m storage box. (e.g. closets, corridors, toilets, etc.)
  • INTERNAL CORNERS: - to apply the joint tape in inside corners, the rolls must be swapped. The tape is automatically shaped to conform to corners. Tip from the professionals: The DécoLiss® for corner areas allows the joint tape to be pressed into the inside corner
  • CONNECTION CEILING - WALL: - to apply the joint tape in the ceiling-wall area, it is recommended to use the large extension, which increases efficiency and reduces fatigue


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